Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What next?

Today I was told by the pest control dude that the house I was hoping to move into at the start of the month has been sold. I just hope that I can either find a new place to live or stay here another six months. Even though it will kill me, we can stay here another six months. I will just start all over from scratch for the food stores.

I finally got Elmo on ADHD meds. That kid showed out perfectly today for Dr J. She was busy typing up the DX that the Tahlequah Public Schools wants to provide services for Elmo. Naruto had his DX when he started last year, not to mention the IEP from Drew Central didn't hurt either. They had to provide services from the start. Elmo's IEP lists only speech therapy at 2x a week for a grand total of one hour. No one wants to provide services without a DX. Take that you *Klingon cuss words removed* folks at TPS. I hate that IEP that was written when he was in foster care. They don't know squat about my Elmo.

Dr J told me that I have the equivalent of two 2 year olds. I thought of Naruto as being a 3 year old but he's two. I believe it. Most of the time, he's such a baby. There are a few minutes when he is five, but that is when he's doing as I tell him. "I need you to fold the towels." "I need you to vacuum the floor." "Where do your clothes go?" "Can you start the bathwater?" But for the most part, I know Dr J is right. Naruto is still young so that might change. She wondered how I managed. Once everyone's meds, mine included, were working that we can start to determine how much of the problem behavior is due to the handicap and how much can be changed with behavior modification.

The Therapist and I had a good discussion today. Someone said something funny and I laughed. She told me that the meds were working. That was the first time that she had ever heard me laugh. Honestly, for the first time in a very long time, I'm honestly happy. I am happy with my bro and family but this is an honest happy. She also told me that the kids were lucky to have me for a mom because I knew that there is no such thing as a "miracle pill" to solve all their behavior problems. I have been there, done that, and survived. Having 30 hours of Special education on a master's level isn't hurting either.

This lack of housing starting next month is really bothering me. I do not want to have to put my freezer into someone's garage for a month (or longer) if I can help it. I like having a stove, even though I hate to use it. I like having my space and not sharing a bed with everyone, even though Naruto and Elmo don't start out there.

Tomorrow, I am going to have to spend the morning in bed. I'm exhausted. Three hours of sleep on Friday morning and then on Monday morning is not enough. I normally get around 6 hours a night. I could get more if I would just go to bed, but I enjoy the cartoons and the company on Runescape too much. Oh, well. I will keep Elmo with me after therapy tomorrow since all he'd miss is naptime. He doesn't nap. I should have probably kept him with me today but I needed some space. Tomorrow, I'll be prepared to keep him with me. I'll take Naruto back to school and he'll ride the bus home. I really am glad that I insisted that the kids take the bus.

1 comment:

Regina said...

It got sold? How rotten is that - I hope you find the RIGHT place for you and the boys to live!!!

I am so glad you found a place you can vent - we worry about you and being able to read your frustrations (and successes) lets us know that you are hanging in there..

I don't always comment back - but I am hear reading nearly every day!

Hugs to you!