Friday, August 17, 2007

One Problem Solved

Well, I signed another six month lease on the POS that we are currently living in. Logically, I want to buy a house since I'm planning on staying here for a long time, but to be truthful, the time and money are not right. Since I'm not working and money is not coming in as it should, I really do not want to tie myself up like I did in Hellhole too early. I could every easily get Bro to get me a house but I do not want to screw up his credit because I could not make the payments.

I saw a medical doc yesterday for my "can I work" for the SSA. I'm not sure he was convinced. "Have you had 50 insulin reactions over the past five years?" Well, I've had 20 that I am sure of while driving. Then I've had six visits to ER over the past year for that reason. That is that one year alone. Most of them over a three month period. I've had ambulance visits. I missed 30 plus days of the 2005-2006 school year because of insulin reactions. I guess I did have them. Let's hope he is convinced.

Everyone at Prodigy has said that they have seen big improvements in my moods/attitudes since I first walked in there. My therapist said that she finally heard me laugh. Elmo's said that I'm more interactive with him and not so on edge. Dr J said the same thing. MG said that psychology/psychiatry has come a long way in 20 years as well has the meds given to combat these problems. I'll say. I take one pill while SIL takes a handful every night. I have some meds to help when my stress level is at its greatest: weekends and holidays when the twerps are home and fighting. AT said that Elmo seemed more focused then she had ever seen him. The meds are working for him as well. Now if we can get Naruto's meds right.

Naruto is going to be in Naruto heaven this weekend. This weekend, Cartoon Network is showing every episode of Naruto ever made. All 100 of them. I got DVD recorder just for this one purpose, but I do know that I can now record other shows/movies for the twerps to see over and over and over, like the Pokemon movies. Those things are $15 each at Walmart and/or That can add up. I'm going to take them to my computer and make several copies when this thing is over. They can destroy a movie in no time. I can fix them but it is going to be a permanent problem.

I set up their computer. I love Vista. I created two accounts and took over the Administration account. They have very limited time on their computer. Aharon can not get on it at 2am. It is set up only for specific hours, like 3-4 and then 5-7, M-F. Then on the weekends, they have two more hours each day. My account is password protected. Theirs isn't. Even if it was, I could easily overwrite it and get into it. If I have time today, which I might not, get it online. I'm not sure if that is what I'm really ready for. I know that they can't download anything. I have set up so that they can only play educational games...or as the computer put it, edutament. ANYTHING to help them out in school.

We got a mouse. I know of one but where there is one, there are more. I'm going to set out some traps while the kids are at school. I almost picked him up yesterday. GROSS!!!!!!!!! I was busy looking for pictures for the family theme for Elmo. I even included one of me when I was four. That was the only picture I have of myself when I was small. Oh, well. Back to the mouse. I got some plastic gloves to get rid of him as well. He's as good as dead.

Naruto is up. We are both enjoying the Naruto Hundo. I'm hungry. Too early for breakfast but then again, it's too early to be hungry.

1 comment:

The Bear Maiden said...

I got hooked on Naruto this weekend, too! The Sun has been watching a while but during the Naruto Hundo this weekend I found myself standing *under* the very high TV in my kitchen, just so I could figure out what was what! :)